02 November 2007

In Pursuit of Happiness

This morning at 0530, my alarm sounded the FFVII Victory theme in an attempt to tell me that it was time to wake up and to do the things I had promised myself I would do when I set my alarm to 0530.

This morning at 0530, while I was trying to reach the alarm and quiet it before my wife was disturbed I looked at the window and noticed that it was much brighter outside that I was used to. The new flood lights next door were too bright.

This morning at 0530, the room now silent, I had a decision to make. Do I reset my alarm and enjoy 25 more minutes of extensible sleep?

This morning at 0531, my eyes wide open and the new flood light blaring in my eyes the way a catholic school teacher would scream in to your ears for talking during class. With a ruler.

Besides... I just bought an iPod Nano Fatboy, specifically for this reason:

This morning at 0534, I was up and dressed... and stretching... preparing myself for a run I didn't want.

This morning at 0540, I was running. I'm horribly out of shape and I know that I'm only punishing myself for that fact. I'm running hard and there is pain in my chest and legs and jaw. It hurts when I breathe.

This afternoon, still sore, my breathing still raspy and painful... I made a decision... a phone call.

"Apple Valley Medical Center Appointment Line, how can I help you?"

"I'd like to make an appointment with Dr. Widdifield, please."

"And the problem?"

"I think I have asthma."