Religion has always been an ultimate curiosity for me. I neither depend on religion for sustenance or strength nor do I look to religion for guidance or reason. The decisions I make are my own, and that is the way I like it.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's wonderful when someone finds religion or faith for themselves.
I just hate getting religion pushed upon me. And I'm sure many feel the same.
The problem I have with religion is the interminable list of provisions that each religion has, based on their specific brand of interpretation of the Bible. Mormons count, too, even though they have a separate doctrine. Even as beautiful and measured as the Bible remains when translated in to english, or even King James, there has to be a great measure lost in translation from original scripture to published translation. And that every religion can nitpick these literal ambiguities and segregate themselves from other churches. Or perhaps worse, deny the sovereignty of other religions.
I've been thru the Bible a few times. I can't say it's had any profound effect on me. Or that any part touched me spiritually. I have a hard time with faith. Against my own nature, I am a logical person, and for me, whatever is without irrefutable proof lays about only as theory. And I don't take bananas or monkeys as proof. And Kirk Cameron is an idiot.
I struggled for years to decide whether or not I was atheist or agnostic, pointedly cavalier of my excursions in both sides of this spiritual river, whilst exploring the burgeoning facets of each faith's doctrine.
While each faith is interesting, it's absolutely unbelievable how intolerant to new ideas each believe system is structured to be.
I've settled on agnosticism, on the basis that I don't believe in coincidence. And that there has to be some higher power than us.
On that same note, I believe that whatever deity had put us in to existence would probably have used some scientific process and allowed us to evolve. I also imagine that we can't be the only ones in existence. If there is a God, and he created the heavens and the earth all for us, there is no reason to have made more than one quadrant. More than one galaxy even. It could all have been contained in our galaxy, I'm sure.
I also imagine that these other galaxies have being similar to us. On planets similar to ours, but in different conditions, for different evolutions. Maybe that makes us less special, but prove me wrong. And don't use the Bible. It doesn't count. It's been thru too many changes.
To those who would say that the Earth was created in 7 days and that the Earth is not millions of years old, I ask you to keep it out of my face. Your only proof lay in the Bible, a book you claim written by God, but was actually passed verbally by men until finally scribed. This during a time when all things were thought to be made up of elements (earth, water, fire and rock). I imagine if God was telling anyone these things, he'd simplify it for them. Besides, it doesn't make for good drama:
"In the beginning, God smashed two atoms together, which created a massive explosion and spread out to the farthest reaches of nothing. Of course, nothing, containing something is no longer nothing. After millions of years, enough of these particles assemble and create gravity in space. Or... a planet. Anyway, after this planet is created, the core (due to seismic tensions) will become super heated and eventually pressure will have to give. This creates massive explosions, and in the aftermath, due to the proximity (or lack there of) from the sun, this creates atmosphere and water. Actually, you know what? This might be a little much for you to take in, maybe I'll explain it to you when you are older."
I propose a new religion:
1) You can choose to follow or reject any of the scriptures or holy books you choose to based on what you feel is right. Knowing something is right in your heart but then rejecting that truth is the ultimate "sin", and your punishment will be knowing that your lie is only to yourself and that you and those you love will suffer from this.
2) You are free to believe any doctrine you'd like, but you will not share your religion's doctrine with anyone unless they ask you. You will also not be anymore involved in their exploration of your faith than the one interested allows you to be. Your faith is private.
3) You will never exclude anyone from knowledge of these practices, regardless of faith, color, sexual orientation, age, intention or education.
4) Organized religions usually have provisions to the acceptance of people to Heaven. These prejudices maybe fine for Heaven or Hell, but we are on Earth and all of us are humans. You shall be treated as a human and no aggressive/outward discrimination towards another human for any of the differences specified above will not be tolerated.
5) Congregations of this idea or belief system are welcome. Gatherings to share each other's faith are also welcome. You will not take this idea or belief system and claim tax exempt status or donations. No money may will made from this doctrine or any publications relating to this doctrine. Taking donations is also not acceptable under this tenet. Religion and faith require no economic stability except to corrupt the minds of men, for true faith requires no money and keepers of the faith will not make money from the faith.
These are the five tenets of my doctrine. I'll call it "The Interfaith Doctrine".
I only ask that you don't take my faith and distort it for public consumption.
Sorry about the long winded post, I guess I had a lot to say