08 September 2007
07 September 2007
Modesty Forlorn
While Jeremy certainly spent days making a ruckus over the "ass joint", I had never come to believe any of these fables. I had always thought he was creating some drama for his blog's sake.
Yesterday, however, left me in disbelief. Seeing what I have seen, I now know that there is one sick (both in a physical and psychological sense) son of a bitch working here.
I can say no more without compromising my Taco Bell.
Just trust me.
Don't ever use the bathroom here.
05 September 2007
Advice for Those of Us Who Choose to Live Vicariously Thru the Young at Heart
What the hell? Who bought the clothes they are wearing? Or the food they're looking for in the kitchen? Who is the one looking for second mortgage and refinancing options to make sure that your little ungrateful crotchfruit (I had to use this today) gets the opportunity to booze and find rampant sexual promiscuity at the university that is willing to take their negative, lazy asses.
Where's the respect?
Now I know you don't expect to have to foot the bill, and that your little saving grace is going to 180 themselves and make 80 a year right out the gate with the career path you've picked out for them. I have some bad news for you, though. They don't want to be a psychologist. And really, don't you think the lawyer market is saturated.
Your little mushroom probably wants to be an actor. Or a singer. Or an artist.
But you don't have the heart to tell them they aren't good at these things.
And that they'll be in college for 3 years before they figure out what they want to do. And it will be another 3 before they finish, because their credits don't apply to that degree.
My advice to you? Your kid's a little brat, but put up with it. Correcting that behavior will get you put in jail these days. Just make sure they don't sucker you in to paying for college.
04 September 2007
It's Not Communism
There is a key to success. I figured it out years ago, when I was pondering the great Plebian question of life.
In order to be a "have", you must be willing to create and keep "have nots".
It does not change for situation. Regardless of who you are. If you have money, the only way to keep having money is by not letting other people have your money.
And it's a far cry from the dream they sell to you in school or on TV. The dream where you work really hard and someday, when you're about 30, you'll get rewarded with millions of dollars and everything is going to be fine.
But we can't tell everyone that it's not true when they're younger, or they're not going to want to work. And the people who have already figured out my message have already started to abuse welfare, because they can eat and clothe themselves and their children. Any calls to force such people to work are met with arguments of assumed racism.
But being a have not isn't all bad.
We work hard for our possesions, but we can sleep at night.
My food tastes better, knowing that it didn't come at the price of someone else's.
Life is ok, but we need to stop living in some dream, before it becomes a nightmare. And I will happily work every day for the rest of my life.
Because there are countries where the dream is different.
Where if you work really hard, you might be able to eat tonight.