04 September 2007

Just Ain't Satisfactionin' Me

All this reminiscing about days past has got me awful contemplative about times past and the meaning of life.  Or, really the progression of life.

The worst thing about time passing is that there is no substance to it.  There is nothing left of it as it passes.

Are we corporeal beings?  Or do we simply experience things in our existence in a sequential manner because it makes the most sense to us?  Do we have any control over our futures, or is this all just played out in a sequence, like a gigantic symphony?

The weirdest part about the whole experience is the nostalgia you feel.  Sometimes, it's like you're in two places at once.  But are you?

Does 'I think therefore I am' apply?

All this is why I feel particularly horrible about breaking one of the cardinal rules we were taught that civilized humans don't break:

I ate the soggy waffles.

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