Those habits, while common, are not difficult to correct, as long as you dedicate a little time and thought to them. Of course, you have to think about them all the time.
Here are my first 50 rounds at the range maximum 50 Feet:
If you're familiar with firing techniques, you'll note that 1) I'm anticipating the trigger pull 2) I'm flinching and 3) the weapon is not correctly sighted. The front sight is fine, but the back sight needs a light right adjustment.
I was able to correct, with a little work, most of these problems:
The first round, in the upper left was a combination of the mis-aligned sight and the trigger pull anticipation from first Double action round, I need to work on that first round for sure, if my intention is to try USPSA tournaments. The farther out rounds were from the first magazine in that set. I was working on shooting between breaths correctly and not flinching, mostly because the rounds were bouncing back at my eyes (one landed on my face, behind my glasses). You'll notice that I corrected most of my flinching problem, and almost all the trigger pull anticipation, leading to a solid midrange grouping. The sights still need adjustment, but when I adjusted for the sight, I hit the bullseye ring 6 times.
We'll see how it goes from here, I obviously need more work.