I regret finding it, though.
It's a clever phone, and unlike most Sprint offerings, wasn't on the ass end of expensive. The keyboard is intuitive, and while the starch nature of the buttons leads to a lot of "misfires", and it's something I'm not to disappointed with. The menus are slow. Mostly because the processor appears to be clocked down far enough to compete with a Mac LC. Again, I can live with it because of the advantage. The battery life is fantastic. Ever hear those claims of 7 days on standby from phone stores? I get 7 days easy. That's with usage.
This is where the fun stops. And, as you may expect, my complaining begins.
This phone really has no customization options. You can't change what menu appears when you slide it open, and that slide open automatically unlocks the keyguard, allowing you make the pocket phone calls you thought the keyguard was protecting you from.
Sprint's Vision network is nasty slow on this phone, and while most of the other phones allow for the newer faster network access crap, this phone is slower than hell. My previous two phones both worked on that power vision service, but this phone barely gets you online. It's infuriating just to check the weather.
Bluetooth is another one of those afterthoughts to this phone. I purchased one of the previous LG releases based completely on their bluetooth support (it was the first sprint phone to offer it). By this time, you'd think they'd have it down to a science. Here's a hint, they don't. Range isn't more than 15 feet without some static, and completely useless at 30. Also, no matter what distance, there is a slight echo, even on $150 headsets.
One thing I forgot to mention. The microphone at the bottom is asinine. It's at the bottom of the phone! It picks you up just fine (but you sound weird on this thing), but it also picks up everything else. I mean everything. Someone next to you just let out a fart? They'll hear it... and let me tell you, that's the last time I call my mom sitting next to Jeremy.
That's all and good, the same complaints you may hear about all the time. This phone has one killer quirk: it restarts randomly. Anytime during the day. Not even because you were pushing on the battery. I placed in it on the counter to make lunch, and while I was coating my chicken in flour (and not in a nasty Afterglide innuendo way), the phone restarted. Silently. It doesn't give you any indication that this is doing it, unless you catch it in the act. Though you may catch it when you're in a fuckin' phone call.
Of course, restarting is inaccurate. It implies that it turns back on. Sometimes I've found the phone simply off in my pocket.
The Sprint store won't help me, they say they're not responsible for the phone's warranty and can find nothing repairable wrong with it.
Sprint says they can't help me because I didn't buy the protection service at a ridiculous $84/year and won't sell that protection to me now that they know there is something wrong with the phone.
And LG says that it's not reproducible, so they can't service it, but I could send it in for a month for them to look at. Yeah right.
So here I am with this broke ass phone waiting for my contract to expire, or a better deal to come up.
Maybe I should just get an iPhone.