18 July 2007

At the Forefront of Technology

She made it all worth it.

In one phrase, she completely justified the purchase of the PS3 and all the decisions that led up to it.

Watching Blu-Ray movies is a dream on this system. Casino Royale is a movie that deserves to be experienced in Hi-def. Trust me.

Playing games... well... PS2 games are fun and all, but that's not why you bought it... I'm still waiting.

She said, "Is that a PS3? Wow, that means you guys are like at the forefront of technology."

Thanks, Lisa.


RonnyGunz said...

So I'm shallow, get over it.

Jenifer said...

We're all shallow in various ways.

RonnyGunz said...

You'll have to qualify that statement. What makes you shallow?

Jenifer said...

Huh, I thought you've been reading my blog. If I had to pick one thing, it would probably materialism. I like pretty things.

RonnyGunz said...

I don't think materialism qualifies for the shallow title. Liking nice things is perfectly normal. You work for your money, you should enjoy them. On the other hand, liking nice things because you want others to envy you, or scoffing at other people because their things aren't as nice as yours... well... that's shallow.