22 September 2007

A Missing Chapter

Does anybody but me actually admin to enjoying Star Trek?

I thought not, but I'm going to tell you about some little revelation I had. In the first and second seasons of every Star Trek show, they have no idea what the fuck they're doing. Well, maybe on Enterprise, which might explain the lack of charm people felt towards the whole show.

The first season of The Next Generation, or TNG, was rife with poor acting and bad ideas. Picard's character was written as the anti-Kirk, but Stewart play him just like Kirk, down to the pauses between words... or mid-words, as it were. There were rehashes of Original Series, or TOS, episodes and homages that went way past homages and straight in to bludgeoning. All of the character motives lacked any subtleties or clever nuances that kept the viewers interested in later episodes.

In short, it's fascinating to watch, and god-damned hilarious.

But I'm going to focus on one episode in particular. An episode I had no idea even existed until 2001 or so.

Season 1, Episode 25.

In this Episode, an Admiral comes to take the Enterprise away from Picard to use for his own devices. During all of this, they discover that the Admiral is actually an alien, whoo took over the Admiral's body and was trying to make the Enterprise a part of an alien fleet loyal to the aliens who had taken over bodies in the upper echelons of Star Fleet's ranking staff.

Before this episode, there is never a mention of any aliens or this plot, mostly due to the caustic nature of the show in it's infancy. I'm willing to deal with this.

But they never mention this again. Ever. Not even in stagnant conversation.

Like during a poker game.

"Commander, do you remember at the end of the first year, when all hell broke the fuck loose?"

"No, and neither should you. Raise, indiscriminate amount, regardless of the fact that we don't have currency."

It made me hope that it would come back and bite them in the ass later... but I didn't even get that satisfaction.

Instead... we got the Borg.

And someone stopped doing drugs.

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