09 October 2007

Trial of Nuance

Ang- "Your Honor, the prosecution contends that the defense is, in fact, a "meanie."

Judge- "Defense, do you have an attorney representing you today?"

Gunz- "No, Your Honor. I am representing myself."

Judge- "And your response to these allegations?"

Gunz- "Your Honor, although the prosecution feigns at contention, I think it's also important to note that the prosecution has had a piece of steel shot through her face. I don't believe the prosecution is qualified to assign such a quality to myself. Also, if you'd refer to my previous case, Jeremy Afterglide vs Spaz the cat, which I represented the defense Pro Bono, Ang is a documented "poopy-head". More recently, it is important to note that she is very sweaty, and may be required by the state to switch to Mitchum brand deodorant."

Judge- "Mr. Gunz, you've certainly done your research."

Gunz- "I believe I have your honor."

Judge- "I rule in favor of Mr. Gunz, and his undeniable logic."

Ang- "Hey that's not fair! He is a "Meanie!" Capital "M" and all!"

Gunz- "That may be so, but this is my blog."

Here's to making my co-worker's girlfriends hate me. Cheers.


RonnyGunz said...

I thought it was all in good fun, but I guess a bitch slap would be good fun, too. Jeremy tells me that you can hit.

Ang said...

Nobody knows better than Jeremy how fierce my hit is. And it's extra special because I yell, "KAZAAAM!" with every smack. It makes each one feel like Christmas.

Ang said...

Oh also, smartguy, in a civil suit there is no "prosecutor." I'd be the plaintiff. I'm suing you here, not pressing charges. MAN! You "I'm gonna represent myself" types are HILARIOUS.

RonnyGunz said...

Are you done?

I think I made it clear when I said it was my blog.

Go file an appeal or something.

Ang said...

Of course I'm not done! Have you met me?

RonnyGunz said...

Only briefly, not long enough to have known the length of disclosure the twitter would have to your Vaginal Integrity issues.

Ang said...

You have no idea.