31 December 2007

It's a New Year, It's Actually Just the Same Year with a Different Name.

I love the romanticism associated with the New Year. Everyone gets all whimsical and promises themselves to do things that they didn't do before, but those promises are usually ignored... or filled vaguely, with a technicality.

I've never understood why people have to resolve to do something at the end of year, instead of just doing it. Maybe it's just that everyone forgets to until Bally's Total Fitness reminds them that it is time again to promise that we will make ourselves better, or go greener... or stop going to brothels.

Er... not from personal experience. It's just an example.

Still, you have to think about what you would do better this year. I don't like that approach. I think it leads to a day, usually around St. Patrick's day, acutally, where you realize the epic failure that your resolution has led to. Interesting. It usually ends in heavy drinking.

Personally, I like metered amount of failure, in a daily dose. It makes a much more reasonable emotional downswing, when such failure occurs. And I can even enjoy success. It's nice not having disappointment linger beyond the day. I enjoy my daily resolution plan.

So... what's my resolution, you ask, for the new year?

Not to make any more New Year's Resolutions.

Fuck. I'll try again tomorrow.