11 March 2008

In Effect, A Diorama

I have a problem. An addiction, really. I came here to warn you about it.

To protect you. So you won't be like me. Addicted.

To CSI Miami. I started watching this show... almost on accident. Thanks to this youtube video (my personal favorite part is the peter pan moment at 6:00).

The acting is bad, the writing is bad and the science... is flaky. But there is something about the show that I just can't let go of for some reason. Every episode is compelling. Every soap opera-inspired plot twist is a joy.

I started watching this show about a month ago and I'm firmly entrenched in season 4. The good news is that I'm married, and she forces me to bed long before I'm ready to stop watching. The bad news is that if I weren't married, I'd be long done with all 5 and a half seasons of this show.

Sadly, I found out last night that my copy of season 4 is all out of order... I guess I'll have to start the season over.

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