28 March 2008

"Things Just Ain't the Same"

Since meeting Gina, anyone you'd talk to would say I was a different person. Don't get me wrong, I'm still an asshole. But habits changed. I did my own laundry, I cooked, I cleaned. I didn't go drinking as much. It wasn't reallly her influence, it was just like something snapped in my head and these things became things that I did.

Since we got married, one thing I've tried to hold on to has steadily declined. I simply don't play games as much as I used to. Before we met, I'd play games online, on the PC a total of 40 hours a week. Like a full time job. After we met, I was stoic in my addiction, carrying on playing games on my laptop, or the PSP (which I eventually traded in for my 360). Before we married, I was still doing 30 hours a week, most of which happened in the days we didn't spend together, and the late night/early morning hours. I would sleep less than 5 hours a night. I didn't need more than that.

I have plenty of opportunity to play. I also now have a huge TV. Gina encourages me to play, especially if she's busy with something (probably to keep me out of the way). But I simply don't play more than 5 hours a week anymore. There are exceptions to that rule. Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 managed to make release last week and has scoured about 10 hours of my time this week. When Metal Gear Solid 4 comes out, I may not see the light of day until I finish the game, some 12 to 20 hours later. But otherwise my interest simply isn't there.

The thing is, I like playing games, but I don't know if that change is related to the fact that I'm married and something is different now, or if that change is related to the fact the games industry hasn't really done much to keep my attention.

Or maybe she's using some osmosis therapy to slowly stop me...

Shhh... here she comes. Act natural.

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