I have a hard time faulting myself for this method. It doesn't agree with the business world, truth be told, however it does prevent me from putting out some really bad work.
One thing that I've been avoiding like the plague or the stinky kid in elementary school is the kitchen computer. Not so much building it, as installing it.
It'd been built for a while, and Gina even bought a touch screen monitor to make it all snazzy and what not. Months had gone by and my initial installation date rolled on. This time, not so much from laziness (well, it was there, too), but from ignorance.
One thing I should mention, if I were to have evaluated this house when it was built, I would have had to have them do it all over again. There are short cuts everywhere you look. Calling the spacing between studs non-standard would be like saying Gilbert Gottfried is kind of annoying. The wall it was mounted on has two studs, where the "doorway" opens and where the wall meets a corner. The electrical wiring is hanging out, so everything had to be done around it.
My buddy made some promises to help, but these grand plans never came to fruition, instead, last weekend (on another failed attempt to rendezvous with my friend), I made it my goal to finish this damned project for once and for all). Here are the final results:
That's right. Who's got a huge ass computer in their kitchen?
I am a mushroom cloud makin' mothafucker, mothafucker.
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