24 August 2008

Fondly Remembered

One thing that every child born before 1989 looked forward to was getting stuff with the cereal box.

I think it may have been related to the difference in cool shit that we had, compared to the cool shit kids today have. It just doesn't seem to have the same appeal anymore, and today I just can't see why it ever did. Maybe I'm too old. Maybe it's because that shit they pack in with your cereal is pretty fucking disgusting.

Thankfully, they've moved the prizes outside of the bag.

Still, in my Frosted Flakes, among pictures of Harrison Ford and Shia LeBouf (whom I have an intolerance for, thought I don't know why), were the details of a value-add to the container of sugar-encrusted early-morning-fuel. The prize? An "Adventure Spoon", featuring a pillar (the handle) which prominently displays "Indiana Jones" in the trademark swoop, color-coded to indicate the hue your "Adventure Spoon" glows when the switch is turned on and the botton is actuated. In a separate bag was the actual spoon attachment, which was clear plastic and affixable to the top of the "pillar".

When I was about 6, I'd have gone apeshit with this thing. Of course, we used to eat cereal with forks to save the milk. My brother would confirm that.

But now, it seems the fervor behind cereal prizes is gone. It might be due to the fact that kids can bring DVD players, PSPs and Nintendo DSs to the table. Something that would have gotten me a knife stuck in my hand.

But at this point, now at 25, I look at this little plastic blessing and think "that's fucking disgusting." You wouldn't eat food with a toy soldier would you? (Jeremy can skip answering that question). At least plastic untensils give you the impression of sterility.

At least it lights up, I guess.

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