20 June 2007

A Parable of Human Intuition

Ever read the book I, Lucifer?

I'm almost done with it. It took a while. My brother harangued me about it constantly until I simply extracted the book from his hands. It lay on my dresser for months after that, docile, a scarlet reminder of a promise that I had left unfulfilled. I had flirted with the idea of actually reading the thing. A page here, there, on the can. The book never got my attention. It was too obnoxious, which I'm sure was the point, but that doesn't make it any more readable.

I moved, and finally said to myself, I said, "Self, you have to get down and just read this fuckin' book." So I started. It's been hard, the book itself isn't terrible, it might even be good if I could get past the voice that Glen Duncan uses to write the book in. The name of the main character "Declan Gunn", get it? Glen Duncan? Declan Gunn?

Ok, not that clever. The book is trite, Lucifer says "It's not my fault." Blah, blah, blah...

But the book brings up an interesting thought: Do we need the justification to do something wrong, or is it simply enough for us to believe that we will not get caught?

Don't think about the big things, try the smaller things. Sure we'd all have liked to have hurt someone... or rob a bank, that's just life. But really think about it.

Would you have stolen something... A movie, or a CD or would you have urinated on that cop car, that day the party got busted at the frat? Had sex with your friend's significant other?

You couldn't justify these things until after you did them... until you were asked for an excuse.

What would you do if you knew you could get away with it?

UPDATE: Just finished the book, and I'd say the last 10 pages out do the first 250. Justify them, maybe not... but definitely better.

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