22 July 2007

Where Language Fails Us All

Pain is impossible to explain unless you have some unpleasant experience to relate it to.

"Well, it's kind of like when you get kicked in the knee..." or "Yeah, it's a dull stabbing pain."

These metaphors and similes don't make any sense to someone who hasn't experienced that kind of pain. I could tell you that it's "something like getting shot" and without a frame of reference, you have no idea what that means.

Ever been electrocuted? Can you explain that feeling? I'm not particularly apt to explain it myself, and I wonder if it has something to do with our language? Or is it that we're not readily able to explain pain.

For me, pain is always a distant memory. It isn't particularly horrible to remember, but I do recall being an unpleasant experience. Even something that happened hours ago. Though, with a frame of reference, I can explain what it feels like to break one's ankle... or wrist.

I'm at a loss, however, as to how one explains to a woman what feeling you get when you sit on your balls.


Jenifer said...

I've kind of always wondered about that. Well, frankly, I don't even know how you guys walk around with those things. Seems like all the extra baggage would get in the way of free movement.

RonnyGunz said...

Don't ask me, I just work here.

Somehow, men run faster in focused competitions. One can only imagine that the effect that steroids has on runners is getting that problem out of the way.

Dubs said...

I think it is easier to describe emotional pain then physical pain. Physical pain is an area that sometimes happens over a 1 month period or sometimes within a 5 sec period. Emotional pain can last years....

Jenifer said...

Seeing as I'm in emotional hell right now, Dubs, that's not really what I wanted to hear. Although I do suppose it's true. *sigh