06 January 2008

A Terrible Place Between Civility and Rivalry

One of the more interesting things about my physique is the amount of change that I'm capable of.  Unfortunately, the change one way is also a change another way, and while I'm capable of reawakening my "muscle memory" and resuming my previous physical prominence, I'm also very capable of packing on a lot fat, which does nothing except to discourage any type of change.

At my physical peak, I was 190 pounds, I could bench press almost 300 and run 2 miles in 15 minutes.

Today, I would say that I'm very much heavier than that, I probably cannot bench press my own weight (though I do weigh less than 300), and my 2 mile time would be something like 25 minutes, if it wasn't a DNF.

An interesting thing to note: When I was in middle school, I was made fun of for having "bitch tits", but I was actually one of the first of my peers to have pectorals.  Not really recognizing pectorals, I assumed I was fat and allowed myself to slump, thereby letting them become "bitch tits" in a manner of years.

My wife and I have signed up at "Lifetime Fitness", her previous gym had shut down due to a lack of new business.  The new gym, conveniently on the way to work, and my wife in the car, I have no excuse not to go in.  I actually enjoy being lazy.  Fat comes with the territory, I had accepted those consequences.  And yet.  There I am.

I've never been able to stick with a gym for more than 3 months.  Usually 4 weeks was the maximum.  It'll be interesting if having a wife to nag me in to going when I don't want to, or at least to lay the guilt trip, will be the defining difference.

Come on, you know the line:
"I just want you to be around for as long as you can."

1 comment:

Ang said...

I hate the guilt trip, it takes away my desire to get off the couch. In fact, the result is, "Well, now I'm just going to sit right here!"

My motivation also disappears when it becomes dull or repetitive, and I rarely stick to anything for too long.

I'm in the same boat.