14 February 2008

Happy Fake Holiday!

The restaurant, chocolate, jewelry, floral and greeting card industries say "hi" and that they're "sorry about the ulcers from all this production, but would you really rather try to display your affections more than a paltry 4 days a year?"


Jeremy QA Gibbens said...

All I know is I'm gettin' laid fo' SHO' today. *nods with self-approval*

RonnyGunz said...

Well, my problem is that there is a day of forced romance, which you spend hating every other person on the planet for.

I'm not sure what his deal is.

RonnyGunz said...

And Jeremy? High-five, buddy.

Jenifer said...

I like Valentine's Day, dammit. Stop trying to ruin it. I point you in the direction of what Amber had to say to emphasize my argument.

RonnyGunz said...

Eat it.

Valentine's day is a sham. Fight the power, down with the man. Or woman.