And with my obligatory 1 line introduction out of the way, I'll continue.
If you're like me, after so many years of working nights, or really any shift under the sun, including the 24 hour superman shift that we remember oh so fondly, working 9-5 or any close variation of it is something of a novelty. The rule in our society seems to follow an interesting outline: if you work in an office, it's expected that you work 9 to 5. What is wrong with the health care industry. How is it that a clinic is only open Monday - Friday 8-4?
You can get insurance at that job that you work for $8.50 an hour for, but can you afford to go to a doctor? Sure, you can go when you're not working but you still have copays... and prescriptions... and sometimes time off. Now let's imagine for a second that you make $30 an hour and work the 8-5. When the fuck are you supposed to go to the doctor? You have to take a day off. Great, you've got the money to pay, but no one wants to wait while your ass is at the doctor. You have to plan that shit in advance.
"Gunz, can you implement that new software we were talking about."
"Sure, when do you need it by?"
"March 7th, 2008."
"Sorry, can't do, I'm planning to have a slow and steady breakdown of my left knee. I've got appointments scheduled for January 29th, February 11th also. March 7th is when I'm going for my surgery consult."
"Wow, I can't fault you for being prepared for a medical event. What about the 10th?"
"No can do, I'm planning a pleural effusion do to infection from the surgery on the 8th. My white count will have been low. I'll be out on the 10th doing broad spectrum antibiotics until the 12th. I've got the whole week marked off. I'm good for the 17th, though."
"Well, it's a little slower than they want, but you seem to know what you're doing. Fine. 17th it is. Don't let me down."
My running theory is that they just don't want you to go. They make just a fucking ridiculous amount of money without you. There are plenty of rich people who's friends convince them that they are sick, anyway. See, that's what it is: the only people they want in clinics are rich people. Besides... you might actually have something wrong with you.

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