26 July 2007

Glass, My Immortal Enemy

Every superhero has an arch-nemesis. Every Jerry Seinfeld has his Newman. Every Rose... a thorn.

I have glass.

We have a pretty safe history, the two of us. More than a few incursions that left me with scars. Nothing that wasn't my fault, really.

But glass dulls my knives.

I can slice a frozen turkey in half with the draw of my angled wrist. I can quarter whole baking potatoes with no force but gravity. But you put my knives on a glass cutting board... and I can't even mince tarragon.

"Damn you, Glass!" I exclaimed, my fist raised high, a proclamation of my anger. "I'll find a way... I will find a way..."

...That doesn't include ten minutes of sharpening.


Zoozookrazi said...

listen to yourself, man...
pull yourself out the abyss!!!
the knives,the knives, the knives, do you carry them in a suitcas wherever you go :)

RonnyGunz said...

I wish I could, but DHS would have a field day with that... call me a terrorist. How do you say "I love my knives" without saying "I am crazy"?

Anonymous said...

first the knives...now the cookware. you are getting deeper into this cult. the siutation is quite grave.